Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hey dolls, it's Saturday

Today was a big day. The concert with Joy Askew and Chrissie Hynde and JP Jones was this evening which turned out to be a big success! Everyone played wonderfully, tons of people came to watch and there were no major catastrophes!
As you can see, I worked the merch booth.
The night ended with a big bonfire and I met a lot of cool new people and had a lot of fun. The sanctuary is so different at night. Everything's calm and all of the animals are put away and sleeping and the stars come out and it's just beautiful. The whole day was just really pleasant.

A lot of these next pictures I took while helping Stevie out on a tour today. My job is to watch the gates, making sure they're all shut correctly, and making sure no little kids are mauled by goats and things like that. It was pretty fun. I love hearing people talk about the animals. Everyone knows so much about them and Stevie in particular seems to be constantly in a good mood. That's Jasper, one of the youngest goats at the farm. He has a twin brother and they'll both try to sit in your lap if you sit down (even though their hooves are really pointy).
Luise, the friendliest sheep in the world
This is one of the crates that calves are kept in that are going to be killed for veal. I think somewhere earlier (I can't find it) I may have said they're keep in them for 14 to 18 months which was a mistake. I meant to write WEEKS which is better, but still pretty horrible in my opinion.

98% of chicken eggs produced in the U.S. come from chickens living their entire lives in cages just like this one. Each side of that would be stuffed with five or six chickens who will spend their entire lives trapped in that space.
That's my friend Stevie with Rod the rooster.

I also went out this morning and got a few new Cds which I'm pretty excited about. Hopefully they'll make the long trip back home tomorrow a little nicer. I'm going to miss everyone here so much and it's weird to think that this is my last night here. I know I'll come back to visit again soon, but I'm just really sad to be leaving for real this time and really thankful that I was able to do this- to stay here and chill with these amazing people and animals for three weeks. I'm so lucky! I can't believe it's over already.

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