Oh my goodness! You guys would not even believe the fantastic day I've had. I woke up this morning and I just knew it was going to be good... I don't know how... and I didn't say it out loud in case of jinxing it but woah was today a great day. I don't even know where to begin this story of fantasticness. For starters I guess I woke up and it was so beautiful outside I could have died. BEAUTIFUL and it stayed that way all day. Just perfect. I ate some breakfast at the house and then went to the Garden Cafe for coffee and got a scone for lunch later. Oh my god that scone was delicious. with earth balance! I could have cried. ANYWAY I went into the cafe and the guy working there (D.B.) was like "oh I'm sorry, we just ran out of coffee, do you want to wait for me to brew another pot?" and I was all "sure" and he's all "It'll take about seven minutes."so there I was, sitting at the counter and I left my phone in the car so I was like SO bored but then we started having this conversation, the two of us, and I was telling him all about the sanctuary and he was all "oh man, do you know Rebecca Moore?" and I was all "Sure, she's great, I met her chicken yesterday." and he's all "yeah well have you HEARD her???" and I was like "Girl what chu taking 'bout?" and he goes on the myspace and plays this song. and she. is. AMAZING. Here, look at this
I was just blown away. I had no idea. and then he gave me my coffee which was DELICIOUS and HE put the soymilk and sugar in it for me and it could not have been a more pleasant interaction, I tell you.
So then I drive the remaining ten minutes or so to the sanctuary and this volunteer, Eric, who is super nice was there and we were talking and Rebbecca comes out and I was all "YOU ARE REDICULOUS!" and she's all "Aw shucks." and anyway, she's wonderful and so nice and everyone is so secretly talented. Like Jean, another volunteer, is a writter and Stevie, who I met today and who comes from Brooklyn every Sunday to help out(and is awesome), is a lawyer and D.B. was a friggen musician himself and didn't tell me and so is Phil and no one will tell you these things them self. You gotta ask around, like.
Today was great animal wise as well. There is no cell phone reception in that area and while at first it was annoying, you really do get this sense of freedom. I was like picking clover and dandelions for the bunnies and it was so peaceful. All of the visitors were really nice and helpful and I'm always just amazed by everyone's kindness... and we're really making progress with the rock field (and my scrawny arms) I feel like. I spent time with the goats and the ducks-some critters who I hadn't really gotten to know before today.
I feel like I'm getting more and more comfortable around them. Even if they can be intimidating at first.
Stevie is in love with this one goat who was found wandering the streets of NY when he was just a little kid. He had marks around his ankles, like his legs had been tied together, and was really really hurt and had to have half of one of his front legs amputated and I hate myself right now because I can't remember his name but I know it and I'll remember it in like an hour or so maybe. Anyway, they are adorable and she's known him since forever.
All the animals are so happy here, but it's not always perfect. I had to break up a rooster fight (not a bad one) today because peanut butter is a jerk sometimes and phoenix and Alfonso (turkeys) don't get along so they have to be separated. But the girls (Petunia and Sphinx) are getting more comfortable with me every day. They're unnatural. they're experiments of the farming industry and genetically disfigured. They've been debeaked and suffer from the heat because of their weight and the feathers and is so sad, but they are just so amazing, expressive and sweet creatures.
The goat's name is Albie.
Anyway, today was just a good day. I took over two hundred pictures and although I am very excited to be going home tomorrow to for a few days I know I'm going to miss it here.
After I left the farm (around six), I went back to the Cafe, (yeah, I'm a regular) and had the best dinner ever. Then I killed some time taking pictures around town (You can to go my photo blog to see those if you'd like) until the movie started. That's right. Sarah Duff went to see a movie in a real movie theater by herself. and it was incredible. The film, I mean. I wish there had been somebody around to talk to about it later, but it just blew me away. You should all go see it as soon as you can. It's called The Secret in Their Eyes, and it won an Oscar for best foreign film (and it totally deserved it in my opinion). Go see it now. Seriously. Oh, and you should see it at the Tinker Street Cinema because that's where I went tonight and it was wonderful and tiny and just made of character from the ground up and the people running it are just awesome and it might be better than the County. Which is saying quite a lot. Oh, it was just beautiful. The weather, the film... whole day. I love Woodstock.
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